Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hard Core Nesting

-24weeks 5days-

So, today Kaleb and I did some hard core work in our house!!
It is absolutely amazing how clean my house is! lol

We got all of the Christmas stuff put away... which was a huge mess in our living room! Between the tree, all the decoration boxes and wrapping paper.. it was bad lol

I started with that... and it just snow balled! Kaleb actually started helping me.. and went far beyond what I was planning on doing. But it was good, because I knew I couldn't do it all by myself. I needed that little motivation and help... or I would have just put it off again...

So, we got:
All of Christmas put away
Living room cleaned & vacuumed
Dinning room cleaned & vacuumed
Kitchen cleaned (and all the dishes washed)
Storage container/bakeware cupboard cleaned & organized
The baby's nursery vacuumed & organized
All his blankets & handful of outfits washed

And tomorrow we are planning on deep cleaning the bathroom... and tackling our bedroom which looks like a bomb went off! lol
I have so many clothes to put away... and things to organize.. and Kaleb said he wants to move the furniture around! sounds like a lot of work! lol

But once that is done, the whole house (NOT including the garage LOL) will be completely done and clean!!! I'm so excited...

Then it's just a matter of keeping it that way.. until the baby comes, and it will never be clean again LOL ;)

I want to get everything taken care of now and maintain for the next few months...

Just reading what we did today is making me tired! lol I don't know how I made it through the day.... must have been a good pregnancy day! I haven't been having many of those recently! Glad it fell on a day my hubby could help me with the house!

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