Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Telling The Parents


Kaleb and I spent Labor Day weekend out at Big Lake. We finally decided to tell our parents that weekend, but wanted to do it in a creative way.

We went to Walmart and bought some really nice picture frames. We then went and found a really cute greeting card that had a picture of baby booties on the front with a caption "so little, so cute..." above them. We wrote April 2010 on the bottom of the card, framed them and kind of wrapped them with plastic bags and tissue paper because that's all we had. We made 4 frames, one for each set of parents and one for Hannah.

On September 6th, We told my parents, James and Debbie, first. My Mom already suspected it, so telling them was going to be easy going. I gave the frame to her, she opened it - looked at me smiling and asked, "really?" And I nodded and said, "yes." She sat up on the couch and declared, "I told you so!" lol It took all that I have not to bawl like a baby! Dad was pretty happy too! Though he didn't get it at first. He thought I was showing them something new I am offering with my photo stuff :)

We left their house and went up to Kaleb's parents', Neal and Bess, house. We knew they were going to be more "enthusiastic" about the news. We gave Bess the frame to open. I luckily had my camera out for this and caught it all on video. She FREAKED out! They have been asking us for years if/when we were ever going to start a family...

It just wasn't in God's timing yet. :)

This baby is truly a blessing to us!
I had given up hope of having a child of our own - and assumed that we would adopt. Which I would be totally okay with (Kaleb is adopted, as is my Mom, Debbie).

But I am overwhelmed with joy that I am able to carry my own child. Kaleb and I are already smiling a little bigger just thinking about the journey we are about to start. :)

On September 7th, we told Justin and Hannah (my brother and Kaleb's half-sister). We didn't give Justin a frame, so I just sent him a text message that morning. His said cool and kind of acted like, oh okay. whatever. Like this is an everyday occurrence! lol Hey Justin, I didn't just tell you I washed
my hair... we are having a BABY! lol

Anyway, we brought Hannah out to the lake Monday morning for breakfast. We talked about a bunch of stuff - found out a friend of hers is pregnant. Breakfast was really yummy. We gave her the frame, she opened it and cheered LOL She has also been asking when we were going to have a baby because she wanted to be an aunt.

On our way home from the lake, we stopped in at my other parents' (Lance and Ginger) house. Ginger has grandkids, which are also his, but none blood related. I gave the frame to him to open. He said, "is this a hint?" As I answered, Ginger freaked out! lol She gave me a hug, then him a hug and said,
"you are going to be a real Grandpa..." It was all very teary.

For now, we aren't officially announcing our pregnancy. I want to wait until after we go to the doctor. I am pretty paranoid that something will go wrong, since it has taken us so long to get pregnant. But I'm sure it's just new Mom jitters ;)


  1. And your little guy is so cute. I am sure that all of the people you told that day just love him to pieces now that he is here!

    You are blessed!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  2. Awww! I love "spilling the beans" pregnancy stories!

    Just now getting around to visiting everyone's memories on a lazy walk down memory lane! Thanks for linking up!

    The Lazy Mom
