Saturday, September 13, 2014

Our Learning Center

A while back, I had set up a little area for Tristan and called it the Learning Center.  It had a bunch of his educational items and a few of his beginning reading books.  He loved it.

Today, we went and got a bunch of clearance school supplies.  Not everything I would have liked... but I'm sure it will be enough for this year.

That of course meant that I needed to make some changes at home.

I got this awesome dry erase/magnetic chore chart.  Tristan doesn't have a lot of chores... but we are going to put the couple he has on there, as well as, some behavior items.  Then he can earn stars, and if he gets so many in a week, he can earn rewards.  It's kind of like the system we have now with the silver doubloons, but this one he will be able to see his progress.

I also got a new calendar!!  The one I was using was really old and not set up the way I'd like.  I should have taken a pic... it was not good.  I'm excited about this one :)

This is what the fridge door looks like now...  and yes - that is a magnetic nativity scene that we leave up all year.

I also got this cool calendar that has other info on it.  So that we can start our day off with that each day....

AND a cool clock!  He is fascinated with time and clocks.  He has no problem with digital, because that's easy... but doesn't really know how to read a analog clock.  He knows noon (because that's lunch) and what bedtime looks like (7pm)... but that's about it.
I'm also going to have him put the time down when he gets up!  So now I'll know how early he's getting up... since we give him free reign of the house until we get up.

That just leaves the Learning Center.  With the addition of Kaleb's guitar back to the living room, the L.C. was not so easily accessible anymore.
So, I decided to move it.  I relocated it to inside the table.  This is much easier for Tristan to get to.  I removed our stuff that was in there and organized Tristan's school stuff.  Our learning center is now our schooling area.

Before (please ignore the mess on top):


Pretty awesome if I do say so myself!! :)
Though, I really am looking forward to having a bigger place... one where I can have a room dedicated to an office/school room.  Just sayin.

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